岩下 仁 [Hitoshi Iwashita]



所属学科経営学研究科 経営管理専攻
教育方法の実践例2013年-2014年 Organisational Behavour (学部二年生)(Power, Decision making, Hapiness, etc)
           Cardiff Business School
概要  レクチャー、ケーススタディ、プレゼンテーション
作成教材2015年-2016年 グロービス大学院 組織行動学(Middle Management program )(使用ケース:3M, Starbucks,
2017年-2018年 British University Vietnam Strategic management, HRM, Organisational Behaviours,
Cross cultural management, International Business, Marketing research, emerging economies, etc
(Staffordshire University Program, International Business Management担当)
実務特記事項(教育)2004年-2012年 コンサルティングの提供。
著書2016年 単著 Routledge Japanese management: international perspectives
学術論文2010年 単著 異文化経営研究 7号 2010年
「Participative Management as a management model for Japanese firms in a global scale」

2016年 単著 経営哲学 第13巻2号
「Complexity and coexisting logics: family, religion, and market in a Japanese multinational enterprise (MNE)」

2016年 単著 Routledge
「Japanese management: international perspectives」

2017年1月 単著 Phd thesis Ph.D. thesis at Cardiff Business School
「New cultural space in constellations of  logics: Comparative ethnographic case studies of a Japanese multinational corporation (MNC) in Asia and the West」

2017年8月20日 単著 「経営行動研究年報」第26号 pp.59-62
「Distinctive Constellations of Logics in Organisational Identity」

2020 Jan Published a book chapter “Transferring Japanese Management Practices in Asia and the West”, a book titled “Cultural Factors and Performance in International Business” IGI Global Publishing, 2020, ISBN13: 9781799837442; ISBN10: 1799837440; DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3744-2.ch001.

2019 Dec Published a journal paper “The Regional Nature Of Japanese Firms: Antecedents and Consequences” to Asia Pacific Business review (ISSN: 1360-2381) Volume 26, 2020 - Issue 3 Pages 265-285 https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2019.1703390 (ISI/Scopus Q2; ABDC B)

2019 Dec Published a journal paper “A Comprehensive Review: Confucian Aspects And Transferability of Japanese Management practices in Asia” Business Breakthrough University Review, volume 6 (ISSN: 2188-5478).

2019 Dec Published a journal paper “Transferring Family Logic Within A Multinational Corporation: Japanese Subsidiaries In The US And Thailand” Cross Cultural and Strategic Management (ISSN: 2059-5794) Vol. 26 No. 4, p. 639-663, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1108/CCSM-12-2018-0212 (ISI/Scopus Q1; ABDC B)

2019 Dec Published a journal paper “Constellations of Logics in Performance Appraisal: Comparative Ethnographic Cases of A Japanese Multinational Corporation” Journal of Business Diversity, Vol 19 No. 4, p1-19, 2019 (ISSN: 2158-3889).

2021  Published a journal paper “Multilingual Mediators in the Shadow: A Case Study of a Japanese Multinational Corporation”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, ISBN13: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rijh20/current. (ISI/Scopus Q1; ABDC A; ABS 3)

2021 Published a journal paper “The Future of Remote Work in Japan: Covid-19’s implications for International Human Resource Management” Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, https://eber.uek.krakow.pl/index.php/eber. (ISI/Scopus Q2)

2021 Published a journal paper “Multilingual Mediators in the Shadow: A Case Study of a Japanese Multinational Corporation”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, ISBN13: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rijh20/current. (ISI/Scopus Q1; ABDC A; ABS 3)

2021 Aug Published a paper “Language and Identity in the Shadow: A Multi-Case Study of a Japanese Multinational Corporation” to International Business Review, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2021.101913. (ISI/Scopus Q1; ABDC A; ABS 3)

2022 May Published a paper “Globalization of A State Own Enterprise: An Evidence of Japan Tobacco Inc” to Business History, https://doi.org/10.1080/00076791.2022.2072487, (ISI Scopus Q1; ABDC A; ABS 4)

2023 May Published a journal paper Yoritoshi Hara, Hitoshi Iwashita, “Legitimacy versus efficiency: implementation of in-person work in Japanese companies during the COVID-19 pandemic”Journal of Asia Business Studies,
https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JABS-03-2022-0095/full/html, ISSN: 1558-7894
学歴2004年  スペインIE Business School, International MBA 修了
2012年   英国 Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University,Social Science Research Method Diploma修了
2017年 英国 Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University Doctor of Philosophy 博士号修了
職歴2008年まで IT系企業、およびコンサルティング会社等に従事
2008年     Value Associates Inc コンサルティング事業
2012年   Cardiff Business School 講師(Tutor)
2015年    Organisational behaviours グロービス経営大学 講師 (組織行動)
2017年    Senior Lecturer (准教授), British University Vietnam
2019年 Vietnamese German University, Lecturer in Management
2023年 Lecturer in Managmenet, RMIT University Vietnam
2024年    Assistant Professor, College of Business and Public Management, Wenzhou-Kean University, China.